Monday 14 September 2015

Monday... Oh, seriously?

So, it's Monday... again

I know, this is my first post and yet I'm complaining already. And hey, do I look like I care? This is my blog anyway. But, well... a lil' intro wouldn't hurt, aye?

A student, college student to be exact, who just started going to Uni this year (like, around 2 weeks ago.) Taking a Graphic Design course, and the good thing is (well, not really) the lecturers sometime doesn't shows up lol. But, man... having a monday class is always a no no for me. It's not that bad but, GOD DAMMIT! Even if my first class starts at 10AM it's still annoying as F. Waking up in the morning really took me an effort. actually, a lot of efforts. and it's not nice. NOT... AT... ALL.

But, I'm having fun anyway. especially, like I said before, sometime either the lecturer shows up late, or not showing up at all.

So, Monday. I got 2 classes on Monday. A friggen Basic Art Intro and Typography. To be honest the latter is more preferred for me. Since, it's actually fun, playing with fonts and go around with it. But, 2 weeks passed but I still don't have all the tools for it. I'm just too lazy to buy em (But I need to.... soon... like ASAP.)

Ugh, coming back to blogging after a 3 years inactivity feels weird. Like, dude, all my words are messed up. orz

Oh well, gotta continue shitposting later (If this even count as one.... kek)

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